Social & Emotional Wellness
Project Wisdom
Project Wisdom is a character education program that uses one-minute messages to inspire our students and encourage character building skills. It is a program focused on the social and emotional well being of students. The messages are announced every morning during homeroom/circle time.
- September – I Respect You. I Respect Me.
- October – Great Expectations!/ Reaching the Goal
- November – Daring to Be my Best
- December – The Gift of a Positive Attitude/Optimism / Winter Holidays: Peace, Hope, Charity
- January – Lemons or Lemonade?/ Stumbling Blocks or Stepping Stones?
- February – We’re Different and Alike/Sharing Similarities/Celebrating Differences
- March -Making the World a Better Place/Making a Difference
- April – Building Our Character Muscles/Choosing the Right Character
- May – Making Our School a Caring Place / Building a Caring Community/ Have a Safe and Fun Vacation!
Mental Health Resources
1. National Alliance on Mental Illness; 1-800-950-6264; 1-800-985-5990 or TEXT; Talkwithus to: 66745.
2. Bay Area Council on Drugs and Alcohol (BACODA); 1-800-510-3111.
3. Family Service Center of Galveston County; 409-762-8636. Hotline; 888-267-4994.
4. Gulf Coast Center: 866-729-3848. Mental Health Deputies; 409-766-2323.
5. Family Service Center, (Child in Crisis); 1-888-267-4994
6. National Council on Child Abuse and Family Violence; 1-800-222-2000.
7. National Runaway Switchboard; 1-800-668-4663.
8. Women’s Crisis Center Hotline; 765-7233
9. Youth Crisis and Runaway Hotline; 1-800-448-4663.
10. Suicide Helpline, (Referral Service); 1-800-827-7571