Health and Nursing
Communicable Diseases:
The local health authority, in consultation with the person responsible for the school health program and the student’s doctor, shall determine whether a significant risk of transmitting a chronic reportable disease exists. If it is determined that a significant risk of transmission exists, the student may be temporarily removed from the classroom until one of the following events occurs:
- An appropriate school program adjustment is made.
- An appropriate alternative or special education program is established.
- The local health authority determines that the significant risk has abated and the student can return to class.
School Nurses are Required to Report Certain Illness/Disease
The school nurse or principal shall report to the local health authority those children attending school who are suspected of having a reportable disease or condition, as defined by state law and the Texas Board of Health. If there is no local health authority appointed or if the District is outside the jurisdiction of a local health authority, the report shall be made to the regional director.
25 TAC 97.2 (B), 97.4: Health and Safety Code 81.041, 81.042
COVID Information:
COVID-19 is a public health concern, and as the eyes and ears of public health, school nurses understand this in the context of 21st century school nursing.
Here are some of the activities our school nurse has been doing in preparation for for face-to-face learning:
- Monitor Texas Department of State Health Services (TDSHS), Galveston County Health District (GCHD), and Centers for Disease Control (CDC) websites for guidance and updates on COVID -19
- Check, review, & utilize resources from National Association of School Nurses (NASN) website for school nurse updates on COVID-19
- Maintain contact with local health departments for surveillance
- Implemented school nurse clinic protocols to address and promote the safety, health, and welfare of our students and employees
- Implemented school nurse clinic protocols for students who require additional support from the clinic staff for chronic medical needs and procedures
- Reach out to families as needed
- Attend online professional development trainings and webinars
- Review all new incoming students’ paperwork and vaccinations
- Assess delinquent immunizations
- Track staff and student illness and report to Galveston County Health Department (GCHD)
- Procedures for screening and surveillance of students and staff for signs of illness including COVID-19